Friday, May 16, 2008

:: Revelation ::

I had a short argument with my mum earlier on this morning. Well, not really an argument, but I complain that why she always asked me to do household chores. I don't mind helping her, but its just that I am lazy to do it. =P

On the way to market just now, I had a sudden revelation. By helping out at home, I am actually serving God. One of the ten commandments say that we must honour our parents. In a way, honouring my parents include helping them to do household chores, and of course, we have to love them and respect them.

What's the point of serving in church but yet we can't even serve our own family members at home? Don't you find that its actually quite similar to the Pharisees? In church, they pretend to be "religious", but in actual fact, they don't. That really hit me hard.

Serving God can be done through alot of ways, not necessary within the four walls of a church. We are 24/7 Christians, not some weekend Christians. We are the child of God. =) So, are you serving God only in church or CG to let people see? Think about it.

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