Saturday, January 17, 2009

:: First CG of 2009 ::

The first CG of the year. One word to describe - Awesome! I believed that great things are going to happened this year for W421 as we began to tithe the first 15 minutes to God by praying in the spirit. Sharon begin to speak, and asked us to visualize the areas of our life that we want to see a breakthrough in. I see my family staying happily together. I see good results that I will get in my school. 

The sermon was very good. I felt that it was for me. Before I came to CG, my mind was wondering elsewhere, I feel lost, I feel like straying away from God, I feel like doing some things that God will not be pleased of, I feel that I feel unloved by people.

To me, love is like an oxygen to me. However, I have always get the wrong source of oxygen. I did not think of the main source of oxygen - Love from God. When I feel unloved by my friends, to me, it's like the world coming to an end, and I have been trapping in the world, because I have been blinded and I have failed to see God's love.

Open up my eyes to the things unseen, 
Show me how to love, like you have love me.

Praying by the ten commandments is really powerful. =) The message not only talks about teaching us the right way to pray, but the hidden message behind it, the little details reveal to me that I have been wrong all the while. The little details reveal to me that God wants me to put Him as my main source. =)

Well, I can easily talk about this. However, its another thing to live it, and another thing to last it, not just for a few days or weeks, but being a footprint in our heart. I may talked about this, but few months down the road, the same thing might happen again. 

However, thinking of that issue again. I will think, "What route should I choose?" 

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