Sunday, August 17, 2008

:: Tired ::

Service today was quite different. We had a 2 min conversation with our "neighbours" and I get to know a guy call Lawrence. He's from SOT and he's anchor in JW service. Quite a friendly guy and he is only in church for 1 yr plus, coming Christmas is his 2 yrs. A cool looking and a mature christian. Though he may be young in the Lord, but he has grew so much in faith, so much on fire for God. A amazing testimony to younger christians that the young can be mature, not just for the older christians.

I was quite surprise when he told me that. I though that he could be grow up from Children Church, or be in church for quite sometime already. Haha. Well, so what if you have been in church for 5, 7 or even 10 years? You could be there physically, but your hearts may not be with God. (Something that I need to do. . . . . .)

I want to sleep for much, and I almost felt asleep during Service. So tired physically and mentally as I did not have a proper sleep for the past few nights. How I wish that I can just stay at home and sleep. Sleep and sleep and sleep.

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