Sunday, November 4, 2007

:: Birth of my fourth dairy ::

This is my 4th blog that I am creating. Hopefully the last one bah.. =)

Yesterday was the 3rd Arise & Build service. It was just great! We are not into building buildings but building lives! Indeed, God is raising up a generation of new people, that will take the Asia by storm! I believe that the target for this year can be and will be achieve! =)

This is also the 3rd time that I am giving to the building fund season, and I am proud to be part of the church in this exciting 6 months race. I believe that I will be bless as I give to this building fund.. If God can bless me for the blessings of transport to camp for almost a year, I believe that He will give me greater blessings this time round. =)

I am proud to see W421 has just added another 2 souls! I believe that multiplication by June shouldn't be too difficult to achieve. God, let this CG grow like never before, let this CG be a history maker and world shaker for You! Help us to grow not only in terms of numbers, but let each individual of the members spiritual life to grow too.. =)

The zone prayer meeting was also very great in Riverwalk last Saturday. Ever since we join the new zone, I believe that it has change us too.. =) I got lay hands by Ming Jing and a leader. Was really touch and motivated to live a righteous life for God, to live what I was taught in the Sermon On The Mount. =)

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