Angels say: Jesus, speech! Ok??
Jesus: OKkkkk. . .
LOL.. I love "Operation Save The World". Every part of the drama, I do enjoy myself very much at Jurong West Service 6. Although I serve on Christmas Eve at Jurong, I miss most of the drama as I was checking songs with Annalbel and Kelvin, to prepare for the songs for the second Service, how the songs flow especially it was a bilingual Service. We have to know when will they be singing in Chinese and English. I though that it could watch the drama at Expo, but I was wrong, very wrong. . . .:'(
The second Service at JW was delayed, thus I requested my ministry leader if I can leave early to go Expo. She allowed and she asked Jia Bin, one of my ministry frenz to replace me. I reached Expo around 7.10p.m and that's the worst feeling that I have ever experience, because for the first time in my life attending CHC, I was being turned away for Service! How disappointing can that be?
Thousands of people were queueing up outside Hall 8, all the way to Hall 7, or even Foyer 3, I don't know, because I was stuck in between Hall 7. When my ZS, Jimmy told the crowd to leave, alot of people are very disappointed. I saw groups of families leaving, new frenzs that have come also leave. Inside my heart, I was very sad because I rushed all the way down from JW! My heart feel very sorry for the people because they could be the ones who walked down the altar call. The people leave with unhappy hearts. Even they gave us the "priority letter" to enable us to have the seats first for the next few services, but somehow, it's just very different.
Even when the people plead the ushers to let them in, saying that their bags are inside, saying that the frenzs will be flying off the next day, they die die don't let us in. Initially, I want to abused my Ministry Pass, but I don't want to, as I feel that it's not a very nice thing to do. I miss both romantic candlelight services with W421. That's so sad. . . :'(
There are still people who insisted queuing even thought we were told to leave, and I was one of them. Jimmy made a funny statement, "Hello everyone, thank you for your persistence in queing, but the hall is already 100% filled and there's no more seats for you. . . . . I am telling you the truth, and the truth shall set you free." =.! It's not CHC who don't allow us into the Hall, but they have to stick to the Expo fire safety regulations, if they exceed the capacity of crowd, they have to shut down the service. I think it's because of the candlelight Service bah, if not we can squeeze more people in. Hopefully by 2011 we can have our own building! We can have 15,000 - 18,000 ppl also no problem! Haha. . .
So during the altar call, I finally get inside to the Hall. =.! I joined my CG for fellowship. It was really a joy to spent time fellowshipping with W421. We went to Bugis MacDonald's to makan, after that, we walked to Esplanade. It was a fun time of laughter! Haha. . . Murderer was the favourite, and we never get tired of it. Haha.. I went over to Derek's house to stay over. Two man in a room having S. . . . Hmm. . . Haha.. No lah, we never do anything against the law. Haha.. Hmm.. Two man in a room having a sleep, separately. Thanks Derek, you are a very nice host to me. ^^
Thank you W421, Sharon, Pascale, Louisa, Terence and Jacelyn. =) Thanks Sharon and Pascale for trying to get me in. Thanks Louisa for your SMS, it really make feel love and not alone. Thanks Terence for trying to get me in. =) I am sorry that I have interrupted you in the midst of drama. Thank you Jacelyn for your SMS. "Just think that you have given up your seats for someone who walk down to the altar call". =)
I was serving at JW today again. Actually, I SMS my leader yesterday if I could attended the 12.30p.m Service @ Expo with my CG, but I can't because it's too late for her to find replacement. I actually wanted to go because in Expo they have the angels to fly during the drama, and I was thinking of spending time with my CG too. I decided to obey my leader and I serve. Inside my heart, I was thinking this could be the worst Christmas that I have, but it's not until . . . . . .
After giving Alison, the vocalist to sign the evaluation form(Some forms for the BVs to grade on us how we flashed the songs for them to see), I was about to take the lift to level 4 when Jacelyn, my ministry leader called me. She called me to went over to the stage so I went.
I have never visualized myself taking photos with the drama team! Haha.. What a awesome privilege! It really brighten up my Christmas just having to take photos with them, with the lovely angels that fly in Expo that I yearn to see, but now, we were as a huge team in a photo! Haha.. Indeed, God sees! Hahaa.. Thank You Jesus! =)
I also try putting on the lovely wings and it was a dream come true. I was serving and I saw the group of angels on the choir stage, and I was thinking in my mind, "How I wish that I can be one of the lovely angels" Hahaa.. Thank You Jesus, for making my dream come true! Happy Birthday! =)
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