2008 - What is in store for me? Well, I believe that I just don't want a year to pass by me like this again, without any things happening, without any breakthroughs or without any achievement. I want to make full use of 2008 that I have never done so in my last 22 years of my life. 2008, you will be my best friend for the next 365 days!
I have set down 5 Main Areas that I want to achieve this year, and I believe that if I can see it, I can have it!
#1) Spiritually
- Complete reading the whole bible for both OT & NT.
- Committed to daily quiet time & prayer time.
- Encounters with God.
- Complete my Bible Studies Level till Five-Fold Ministry 2.
- Reading more Christian Books. (Planning to get a new book every 2 - 3 months)
- Fulfilling of my Building Fund.
- Give a Word to edify others.
- Win a soul for Christ.
- To raise up to be a CG Helper.
#2) Ministry (Chorus Board)
- Doing Praise Songs during Service.
- Lead the new ministry members in doing Worship Songs.
#3) Physically
- To train my body to be fitter.
- Go for jogging at least once every one or two weeks.
- Improving my Pull Up standard.
#4) Handling of Emotions
- Talk to my siblings in a friendlier manner.
- Control my anger problem and I will not hurt others.
- Cope with my emotions in a more effective way.
#5) Other Areas
- Be more punctual in meetings. (Service, CG, Ministry, Work)
- Be more decisive in decision making.
- Be more confidence in the task that I am assigned.
- Achieve at least a Driving Advanced Theory.
- Learn to be more effective in cash savings.
- Help out more in my family.
I know that this areas that I want to achieve is not easy. However, I am gonna try my best to achieve it. =)
Presenting to you the coolest CG in CHC, W421!

(L-R) Wei Ming, Cheng Xi, Terence, Wei Jian, Glenn, Hui Shan, Pascale, Louisa, Sharon
I love W421!
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