Wooo.. This blog has gone through, stay with me for almost a year le. And I am celebrating its 100th post today! Haha. . . Sorry blog, no birthday cake for you, simply because its not your actual birthday and you can't eat the cake unless I smash the cake on the laptop screen. =P
Why blog? Well, interesting question. Pastor always mention that people will tend to forget what they learn if they never copy down notes. However, I couldn't write down what happen in my life, so I just blog lor. . . But sometimes I will purposely left out those incidents which are not so good to remember one. Since I have the gift of STM(Short Team Memory), therefore I exercise my faith in using that gift for this purpose, so that I won't remember what happen to me. Haha.. Yeah, I'm talking crap now. Haha.. If you have attended FF1 Lesson 3 which talks about Discerning Truth, you will know that the gift that I have is fake!
And yepx.. I have been attending FF1 for 3 lessons now. It was conducted by Jeremy, a ZS in Service 3. (He introduced himself that way in Lesson 1) A pretty interesting teacher and his lessons are never boring. (Of course right? How can an interesting teacher teach boring lesson?) =.= Haha.. So anyway, it was a good step as I have not been attending BS lessons for ages. My ex-BS teacher cum ZS is the same person. Haha.. I miss those times man, especially his laughter. Hahaa... Oh yeah, I saw him at Riverwalk Toilet on Wed, and he can still remember my name. So touch.. Haha.. Cuz the other time he only remember I am from Sharon's CG. =D
It's Arise & Build this weekend! I have an amount already, but the faith inside of me isn't too strong. I believe that as I begin to give, God will do something good in my family. (Yeah, my family is going through some kind of problems now, but it's much better now compare to the blog sometime ago, but it can be BETTER!) Areas like my breakthroughs, healings, career, studies, etc. It's machiam like a turning point in my life. =)
Do pray for me yeah? I looking for a job now and I hope that I can save up enough money for my course fees in ACCA(its not a CCA, its ACCA), Driving Course(not very passionate about it but will still want to go since I have pass my Basic Theory), Guitar(maybe its time for me to learn guitar? I wanna to have guitar to blend in with my QT. Sharon also ask who want to learn guitar a few times. Haha.. Actually I kind of interested lah.. But hor, dun wanna take a step of faith to buy, plus its $$$), transportation, bills, tithes, offerings, and endless of buying this and that, etc. Haha.. So, money is really important, but I have to guard my heart, and not to let it rule over me. ^^
God, in You I trust. I surrender my all to You, in exchange for all of You. =)
Friday, October 31, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
:: The Boon Lay Friendship ::
I meet up with Joseph this morning to have breakfast together. It was a great time of fellowship and a time of catching up with each other lives. =)
I get to know Joseph earlier this year in May outside Marina Square on one of the Saturday nights after Service through Louisa. At first, I didn't really know him well because we didn't have each other contacts. Haha.. Very detail and precise right? =P It was only until after his BMT and before his OCS we started to hit off the friendship as we have each other's contact. Firstly, we are of the same zone (as of May 2008) and secondly, we stay at Boon Lay too. Travelling to Expo from Boon Lay was one of the most boring journey ever since CHC shifted there, so I will divided it into three stages. From Boon Lay to Redhill - Stage 1 (Before Tunnel). From Tiong Bahru to Lavender - Stage 2 (Inside Tunnel). From Kallang to Expo - Stage 3 (After Tunnel). Haha. . . So I thought, "Hey, maybe the journey to church won't be bored anymore." But so far we haven travel together, but soon it will.. Haha. . .
I want to treasure this friendship alot cuz he is someone who is very different from the people that I have known in church. He have this character in him that really draw friends to him, and I just couldn't explain it. Haha... He's one of the main reason why I look forward for my breakthroughs. Haha.. Is he so impactful in my life? I would say, "Yes". =)
Hearing his NS stories, I would think, I am really bless that I didn't go through this tough times during my NS. Some might say, "So are you trying to say that God love you more than Joseph?" Of course no man. =) God has a different purpose for us when He place His people. God never intend to make him suffer in OCS, but I believe that it is to make him to have a stronger character and a greater leadership. Really feel so him because it's not an easy journey to go through, if I am inside, I wonder what will happen to me. . . Haha. . . As I was blogging, it just remind me of one verse in 1 Cor 10:13 - "He will keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can't stand up against it." Similarly, God will not made us suffer what we can't take it. It is through this that will break us, mould us, shape us to be a great leader in God's Kingdom. Amen? =)
Joseph, you must Jia You k? =) Looking forward to address you as LTA Joseph in June 2009! Kelvin, you are included too.. ^^
All the best in your OCS Joseph, and a toast to our friendship!
I get to know Joseph earlier this year in May outside Marina Square on one of the Saturday nights after Service through Louisa. At first, I didn't really know him well because we didn't have each other contacts. Haha.. Very detail and precise right? =P It was only until after his BMT and before his OCS we started to hit off the friendship as we have each other's contact. Firstly, we are of the same zone (as of May 2008) and secondly, we stay at Boon Lay too. Travelling to Expo from Boon Lay was one of the most boring journey ever since CHC shifted there, so I will divided it into three stages. From Boon Lay to Redhill - Stage 1 (Before Tunnel). From Tiong Bahru to Lavender - Stage 2 (Inside Tunnel). From Kallang to Expo - Stage 3 (After Tunnel). Haha. . . So I thought, "Hey, maybe the journey to church won't be bored anymore." But so far we haven travel together, but soon it will.. Haha. . .
I want to treasure this friendship alot cuz he is someone who is very different from the people that I have known in church. He have this character in him that really draw friends to him, and I just couldn't explain it. Haha... He's one of the main reason why I look forward for my breakthroughs. Haha.. Is he so impactful in my life? I would say, "Yes". =)
Hearing his NS stories, I would think, I am really bless that I didn't go through this tough times during my NS. Some might say, "So are you trying to say that God love you more than Joseph?" Of course no man. =) God has a different purpose for us when He place His people. God never intend to make him suffer in OCS, but I believe that it is to make him to have a stronger character and a greater leadership. Really feel so him because it's not an easy journey to go through, if I am inside, I wonder what will happen to me. . . Haha. . . As I was blogging, it just remind me of one verse in 1 Cor 10:13 - "He will keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can't stand up against it." Similarly, God will not made us suffer what we can't take it. It is through this that will break us, mould us, shape us to be a great leader in God's Kingdom. Amen? =)
Joseph, you must Jia You k? =) Looking forward to address you as LTA Joseph in June 2009! Kelvin, you are included too.. ^^
All the best in your OCS Joseph, and a toast to our friendship!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
:: Updates ::
I would like to thank everyone, especially my beloved CG, W421, so giving me a surprise on the day before my birthday! Haha.. This is one of the greatest gift that I have ever receive in my entire 23 years of my life! It's made with love, and I was just overwhelmed by the gift. Haha.. Really so touch, and I tell God, "God, I don't deserve such gifts and love from them."
Not forgetting people like Joseph, Catherine, Si Hui(Chorus Board) Robert, Gen, Paul, Wilfred, YiLin, Thomas, Elfie, Aldrich, Yik Hoe, Afiq and Roger who send me their wishes. Especially Joseph, who call to wish me even thought he is very busy inside camp, really appreciated all of you guys, I feel so love. (I am flying.. I am flying.. - Rose, Female Lead Actress in Titanic)
And how can I forget my another wonderful family in CHC? Haha.. I am so touch by Chorus Board when they celebrated my birthday! Haha.. Especially the speech Meng Wei, Jacelyn and Rosa. Rose keep challenging me to visualise what are the achievements will I get for my next birthday, and its quite stressful. Haha.. Cuz I have to be very precise for my wish! (Maybe she just graduated from SOT this year, that's why she is a very very detail person) Hahaha..
Gifts I received from both my CG and Chorus Board, includes T-Shirt, sweets, lamp, pillow and a awesome CD by CCC. I am just so blown away by the gifts! I have been wanting to buy a CD badly for my QT, but I keep stopping myself from buying cuz its too expensive. Haha.. Thank you very much guys! =) Now, I can also use the lamp from my CG to do QT, to imagine myself in the Holy of the Holies when I switch of the lights. Hehe.. =P
Recently, I heard from one of my close friends that he/she just lost a very close friend of his/hers. I do not really know the reasons why they break off this friendship, but it is his/her friend who wants to break it off. They use to be very close, but due to some other commitments, they seldom contact le. Sad huh?
You see, we are only close with the circle of friends of our influences, for me I have my CG, church, workplace, etc. We are close with them because we are seeing each other for almost every day or every week. For my poly, sec, pri school friends, I have seldom contact with them le, but does that make them strangers? NO! Of course NO! I just don't understand why his/her friend have such concept in his/her mind. I never contact the person means I don't friend that person? What a childish and selfish thinking, only wants people to love them and not taking the ownership of the friendship. Friendship is a two way thing, Period!
As we get older in age and progress in life, our circle of friends will change for sure, however to maintain the friendship, both parties have to take the ownership of the friendship. We will be busy in our lives, our studies, careers and sometimes we may not be as close as before, but still, we have to be make an effort to be interested in their lives, and not waiting for people to be knocking on your door to ask about you, etc.
Of course, if your friends have hurt you, you have to try to forgive them, but you can don't trust him/her completely. It doesn't mean that if you don't trust the person means you don't forgive them. I have some friends that I don't really trusted already, giving up hopes on them, but that doesn't mean that I don't forgave them or they are no longer my friends. =) (I did blog about a particular friendship that I have given up hope sometime back, but I guess I should forgive ba, but of course, trusting is a not a overnight thing, I think it will take a very long time for me to trust this person again)
Not forgetting people like Joseph, Catherine, Si Hui(Chorus Board) Robert, Gen, Paul, Wilfred, YiLin, Thomas, Elfie, Aldrich, Yik Hoe, Afiq and Roger who send me their wishes. Especially Joseph, who call to wish me even thought he is very busy inside camp, really appreciated all of you guys, I feel so love. (I am flying.. I am flying.. - Rose, Female Lead Actress in Titanic)
And how can I forget my another wonderful family in CHC? Haha.. I am so touch by Chorus Board when they celebrated my birthday! Haha.. Especially the speech Meng Wei, Jacelyn and Rosa. Rose keep challenging me to visualise what are the achievements will I get for my next birthday, and its quite stressful. Haha.. Cuz I have to be very precise for my wish! (Maybe she just graduated from SOT this year, that's why she is a very very detail person) Hahaha..
Gifts I received from both my CG and Chorus Board, includes T-Shirt, sweets, lamp, pillow and a awesome CD by CCC. I am just so blown away by the gifts! I have been wanting to buy a CD badly for my QT, but I keep stopping myself from buying cuz its too expensive. Haha.. Thank you very much guys! =) Now, I can also use the lamp from my CG to do QT, to imagine myself in the Holy of the Holies when I switch of the lights. Hehe.. =P
Recently, I heard from one of my close friends that he/she just lost a very close friend of his/hers. I do not really know the reasons why they break off this friendship, but it is his/her friend who wants to break it off. They use to be very close, but due to some other commitments, they seldom contact le. Sad huh?
You see, we are only close with the circle of friends of our influences, for me I have my CG, church, workplace, etc. We are close with them because we are seeing each other for almost every day or every week. For my poly, sec, pri school friends, I have seldom contact with them le, but does that make them strangers? NO! Of course NO! I just don't understand why his/her friend have such concept in his/her mind. I never contact the person means I don't friend that person? What a childish and selfish thinking, only wants people to love them and not taking the ownership of the friendship. Friendship is a two way thing, Period!
As we get older in age and progress in life, our circle of friends will change for sure, however to maintain the friendship, both parties have to take the ownership of the friendship. We will be busy in our lives, our studies, careers and sometimes we may not be as close as before, but still, we have to be make an effort to be interested in their lives, and not waiting for people to be knocking on your door to ask about you, etc.
Of course, if your friends have hurt you, you have to try to forgive them, but you can don't trust him/her completely. It doesn't mean that if you don't trust the person means you don't forgive them. I have some friends that I don't really trusted already, giving up hopes on them, but that doesn't mean that I don't forgave them or they are no longer my friends. =) (I did blog about a particular friendship that I have given up hope sometime back, but I guess I should forgive ba, but of course, trusting is a not a overnight thing, I think it will take a very long time for me to trust this person again)
Monday, October 20, 2008
:: Updates ::
Emo is the best word to describe me few hours ago, but I am pretty okay now after I share some stuff with Louisa after Service. Erm. . . Not really something very serious or bad, but something which everyone would long to have in their lifetime, not a bf/gf in this case, not something very big like our visions and dreams, but rather something simple - Friendship.
Friendship is the key which draws everyone together, like a group of atoms forming a molecule, the stronger the bond, the stronger the friendship. Sometimes I wonder, do I have a best friend in church? I would think for a very long time, but it seems that I just couldn't find the answer. (I need a brother to be my best friend because one of my love language is Physical Touch, so I would like to have a hug sometimes)
W421 are a group of very good friends that I have in church definitely. They are the best group of people to hang out with and fellowship with. However, somethings seems to be lacking between us. Maybe, I just haven found out any common topics that I would easily talk to them. Sometimes, I couldn't really catch the language they were talking about, and I feel so out of the world.
Dancing? Err.. No bah, the sun will rise from the west if Wei Ming likes dancing. K-boxing? Err.. Not really bah.. Wei Ming have no courage to sing. (Last time I sing with them machiam like talking to the mic) Haiz. . . Well, the only thing I think of is the common interest with Glenn and Louisa, because the 3 of us likes to make cards and gifts for CG while Louisa and I are more of having the "welfare" for the CG. We would be calling up each other to discuss what should we do for who, what surprises should we give, etc.
Louisa share with me that best friends need not to be find outside of CG, but it can be found within our CG itself. Si Hui and I talks quite easy too, but its the difference in gentle that set us apart(Not bias against sisters). I need time to understand Sharon better, because most of the time I look up to her as my CGL, like students looking up upon teachers in school. I can tell that she can be a very good friend, but I need more time to understand her. Hmm.. From what I know, she likes Smurfs, Soft-toys, Mango, Redhill Market Ice-Kachang? Also, I need more time to be close with Wei Jian, although we can talk easily to each other, but he's more of I look up to him as a spiritual brother to share things with and a counsellor. Hmm.. he love designing and have passion for youth? (However, that's not enough, I need more time to understand more of members' character and their language, not just their likes and dislikes)
Wei Ming is gonna make an effort to understand his members now. =)
Friendship is the key which draws everyone together, like a group of atoms forming a molecule, the stronger the bond, the stronger the friendship. Sometimes I wonder, do I have a best friend in church? I would think for a very long time, but it seems that I just couldn't find the answer. (I need a brother to be my best friend because one of my love language is Physical Touch, so I would like to have a hug sometimes)
W421 are a group of very good friends that I have in church definitely. They are the best group of people to hang out with and fellowship with. However, somethings seems to be lacking between us. Maybe, I just haven found out any common topics that I would easily talk to them. Sometimes, I couldn't really catch the language they were talking about, and I feel so out of the world.
Dancing? Err.. No bah, the sun will rise from the west if Wei Ming likes dancing. K-boxing? Err.. Not really bah.. Wei Ming have no courage to sing. (Last time I sing with them machiam like talking to the mic) Haiz. . . Well, the only thing I think of is the common interest with Glenn and Louisa, because the 3 of us likes to make cards and gifts for CG while Louisa and I are more of having the "welfare" for the CG. We would be calling up each other to discuss what should we do for who, what surprises should we give, etc.
Louisa share with me that best friends need not to be find outside of CG, but it can be found within our CG itself. Si Hui and I talks quite easy too, but its the difference in gentle that set us apart(Not bias against sisters). I need time to understand Sharon better, because most of the time I look up to her as my CGL, like students looking up upon teachers in school. I can tell that she can be a very good friend, but I need more time to understand her. Hmm.. From what I know, she likes Smurfs, Soft-toys, Mango, Redhill Market Ice-Kachang? Also, I need more time to be close with Wei Jian, although we can talk easily to each other, but he's more of I look up to him as a spiritual brother to share things with and a counsellor. Hmm.. he love designing and have passion for youth? (However, that's not enough, I need more time to understand more of members' character and their language, not just their likes and dislikes)
You can see that I keep saying, more time, more time and more time, but hey, I have been in this CG for almost 2 years! We have been seeing each other for 52(weeks) x (2 - 1 CG, 1 Service) x 2 years already. That's about we have been seeing each other for about 208 times!! Isn't that more than enough time?? So when will it be? Till the second coming of Jesus Christ? Till our CG multiply and we don't really understand each other and wait till the next CG multiply and the cycle goes around again and again??
Set me into deep thinking, but will I do it? That's the other question. Is there a difference between understand members and having a best friend, I wonder?
Maybe, I shouldn't pin too much hopes of having a very best friend in church. Higher expectations will lead to a perfect friendship which is very impossible, because no one is ever perfect. Sometimes, we will do face disappointments from people if they didn't meet our needs, especially for a very sensitive person like me. Of course, I don't expect every single friends to meet all my needs, I am not some big shot of what, even Jesus Himself, not all His needs are meet by His disciples during His ministry days. I got to learn to give, to learn to take.Wei Ming is gonna make an effort to understand his members now. =)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
:: Crazy Mission ::
Decided to train my body as it has not been properly being maintain since I ORD. So, I decided to went for a jog. =)
Previously when I jog, I will always run the usual route around my house. However, this time round, I decided to take a challenge. I run along a road that I have never run before, and I reach SAFTI Military Institute! Haha.. Crazy right? Well, it's actually quite near to my house, just that it's not a common route that people will take to jog, so I decided to be a joker to jog. Haha. . .
Actually, I quite like the route that I jog because it's new, although its along the road and there are cars and lorries passing by. Haha. Well, I am not sure if OCS is located inside the camp, but I am quite sure that it could be inside, although I have not been to OCS before. So, I begin to start praying for the OCS guys, especially for Kelvin and Joseph. Not sure if it works, but I remember Chloe did this for her Marsiling Sec kids, so I decided to try it out too. Hahaa.. =P
I will be running more often this few days, more of the crazy route that I have chosen, to train for my IPPT. =)
Just to side track abit. How should you react when the birthday guy ask you if you were to celebrate birthday for him? Well, I experience that last Thursday. I was happily preparing myself to go out when this guy call me. I was stunned, lost of words, don't know what to say. Haha... So, I just encourage him to come for the meeting, but he say he consider first. Well, in the end, he did come.
Sometimes, I would desire the wisdom from God, so that I can really speak in a right way. =)
I stumble upon this photo when I was cleaning up my room just now. Man, it just bring back the memories of the good old days. . . . .
This photo was taken in 1950. Back den, I was still a young and strong 18 year old man. A happy go lucky guy, no worries and leading a carefree life. I came from a well to do family and money isn't a problem for me.
One day, I was bored and decided to go to the nearby river to catch some fighting fish to fight with my friends. Upon reaching the river bank, I was careless and I fell into a deep pit, it was so dark, very very dark. . .
When I woke up, everything was different, and I realised that I have come into the year 2003. From then on, I start my life new. No one knows my past, until now, the photo which I have shown you. . . I really miss my family and friends badly. . .
Previously when I jog, I will always run the usual route around my house. However, this time round, I decided to take a challenge. I run along a road that I have never run before, and I reach SAFTI Military Institute! Haha.. Crazy right? Well, it's actually quite near to my house, just that it's not a common route that people will take to jog, so I decided to be a joker to jog. Haha. . .
Actually, I quite like the route that I jog because it's new, although its along the road and there are cars and lorries passing by. Haha. Well, I am not sure if OCS is located inside the camp, but I am quite sure that it could be inside, although I have not been to OCS before. So, I begin to start praying for the OCS guys, especially for Kelvin and Joseph. Not sure if it works, but I remember Chloe did this for her Marsiling Sec kids, so I decided to try it out too. Hahaa.. =P
I will be running more often this few days, more of the crazy route that I have chosen, to train for my IPPT. =)
Just to side track abit. How should you react when the birthday guy ask you if you were to celebrate birthday for him? Well, I experience that last Thursday. I was happily preparing myself to go out when this guy call me. I was stunned, lost of words, don't know what to say. Haha... So, I just encourage him to come for the meeting, but he say he consider first. Well, in the end, he did come.
Sometimes, I would desire the wisdom from God, so that I can really speak in a right way. =)

This photo was taken in 1950. Back den, I was still a young and strong 18 year old man. A happy go lucky guy, no worries and leading a carefree life. I came from a well to do family and money isn't a problem for me.
One day, I was bored and decided to go to the nearby river to catch some fighting fish to fight with my friends. Upon reaching the river bank, I was careless and I fell into a deep pit, it was so dark, very very dark. . .
When I woke up, everything was different, and I realised that I have come into the year 2003. From then on, I start my life new. No one knows my past, until now, the photo which I have shown you. . . I really miss my family and friends badly. . .
Monday, October 13, 2008
:: Loneliness ::
Although I can have a good rest at home, but I am pretty lonely. Yawn. . . How I wish that I could find something to do, to make myself useful. How I wish that I could SMS my friends all day long, but I couldn't possibly take out their time for the whole day. How I wish that I can go out, but I can't because I have to start saving money for the upcoming Arise & Build.
Submitting my resume for a final check before I submit to the company. Hopefully I can get the job as an application consultant. =)
Submitting my resume for a final check before I submit to the company. Hopefully I can get the job as an application consultant. =)
Sunday, October 12, 2008
:: Updates ::
Service was great, had a better revelation when I attend Service 4 during serving. =)
Brother Poh is back in leading praise again! So happy to see him leading and the whole church echo as well.
I was serving side board at Jurong West today. I went back to Main Hall to do side board, and I made plenty of mistake. Flashing the wrong verse, wrong bridge. LOL.. =P Thank God that the musicians didn't sing wrongly, or else you will see my head roll. HaHa.. I was being commented by Annabell. Well, not a very positive comments of course. But she was kind and forgiving, and she didn't scold me like a tigress. Hahaha.. Of course, I welcome any reprimand because I made the mistake. In ministry field, it's very important to have the spirit of excellence, because you are not just doing your job, you are serving God and basically the people, or the whole church. One mistake made can damage the atmosphere and the spirit of the whole congregation. Cheering myself on, especially when Arise & Build and Asia Conference are drawing near. =)
Jia You to my friends who are in OCS, BMT and in the army. =)
Brother Poh is back in leading praise again! So happy to see him leading and the whole church echo as well.
I was serving side board at Jurong West today. I went back to Main Hall to do side board, and I made plenty of mistake. Flashing the wrong verse, wrong bridge. LOL.. =P Thank God that the musicians didn't sing wrongly, or else you will see my head roll. HaHa.. I was being commented by Annabell. Well, not a very positive comments of course. But she was kind and forgiving, and she didn't scold me like a tigress. Hahaha.. Of course, I welcome any reprimand because I made the mistake. In ministry field, it's very important to have the spirit of excellence, because you are not just doing your job, you are serving God and basically the people, or the whole church. One mistake made can damage the atmosphere and the spirit of the whole congregation. Cheering myself on, especially when Arise & Build and Asia Conference are drawing near. =)
Jia You to my friends who are in OCS, BMT and in the army. =)
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
:: Freedom ::
I have been waiting for this moment for a very long time. Indeed, the sufferings, scoldings, unhappiness are finally over. Haha.. Just kidding, it's not as bad as what I have just mention above, but rather, I can reward my poor body who has been "physically abuse" by work. =)
Wait a minute. Don't get the wrong idea. I am not into any prostitution in the past. It's just that I am not a very morning person, so I don't like to drag myself out of the bed early in the morning. That's why I say I am being physically abuse. Haha.. Okay, I should use mentally abuse instead.
I will be applying for another soon. It's related to some admin stuff. Well, I just love doing admin stuff. Haha... Although it might sounds boring, at least it's not as challenging as programing and other kind of work. =)
Wait a minute. Don't get the wrong idea. I am not into any prostitution in the past. It's just that I am not a very morning person, so I don't like to drag myself out of the bed early in the morning. That's why I say I am being physically abuse. Haha.. Okay, I should use mentally abuse instead.
I will be applying for another soon. It's related to some admin stuff. Well, I just love doing admin stuff. Haha... Although it might sounds boring, at least it's not as challenging as programing and other kind of work. =)
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