Served at Jurong West today. It was a good experience for me as I have never serve in the Main Service at Jurong before. I was quite nervous, and I was feeling quite cold too, keep "trembling" under the power of Air-Con. O_O Haha..
There was some mistakes that I make in the service, but God was good. I managed to run the BV 5 lines smoothly and is able to flash the lyrics on time. =) Looking forward for more of such experiences in the near future.
I might not be serving in Expo anymore. My new team leader, Jacelyn, who is also my Ex-Leader before the English Service starts at Jurong said that she will discussed with Kelvyn and see hows the arrangement like. =) I am quite sad if I couldn't serve at Expo, because I just started to develop relationships with people over there, and the usual laptop that I used. Haha.. Well, it's good to move on to the next level, leaving my comfort zone.
Understand the message better when I attended the Service again. It was good as I have more revelations. =D I want to have intimacy with God more. ;-)
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
:: Cellgroup ::
Cellgroup was especially different tonight, and I can really feel God so close to me. When Sharon gave an altar call to those who felt a vacuum in their hearts, I lifted up my hand. I can picture Jesus in my mind, and it seems so real, He stretched out His hands, and He held onto my hands. Just like a bridegroom stretching out his hands to the bride, and wanting the bride to be his forever.
Prayer is indeed very important. Even non-Christians know the importance of prayers and they pray to the idols everyday. I will see my dad offer joysticks everyday without fail. Even non-Christians can be so devoted, Christians should be even more be delight in seeking God! One thing we know for sure, God exist and He is real. So doesn't that makes us to pray even more?
I need to repent. . . While I was typing this, somehow, it speak to me. I really need to pray more, and need to humble myself. No matter how tired I may be, I want to pray. Prayers are so important that it can create miracles.
We played the "Passing the Current Game" in CG. Kelvin and I was being forfeited. :'( Haha.. Sharon says that Kelvin and me are not the usual ones being forfeited. Indeed, not only we have to raise up a new generation of leaders, we have to raise up a new generation of "forfeitters" too. LOL.. =P
Prayer is indeed very important. Even non-Christians know the importance of prayers and they pray to the idols everyday. I will see my dad offer joysticks everyday without fail. Even non-Christians can be so devoted, Christians should be even more be delight in seeking God! One thing we know for sure, God exist and He is real. So doesn't that makes us to pray even more?
I need to repent. . . While I was typing this, somehow, it speak to me. I really need to pray more, and need to humble myself. No matter how tired I may be, I want to pray. Prayers are so important that it can create miracles.
We played the "Passing the Current Game" in CG. Kelvin and I was being forfeited. :'( Haha.. Sharon says that Kelvin and me are not the usual ones being forfeited. Indeed, not only we have to raise up a new generation of leaders, we have to raise up a new generation of "forfeitters" too. LOL.. =P
Friday, May 23, 2008
:: Ministry ::
I will be going over to Jurong West to serve this Sunday. I was quite happy when Si Hui called and asked if I could serve. Well, I didn't expect it to be so soon. Haha..
The software that they used is different from the one over at side board. They will be using the software that they used at the main board. Sounds pretty exciting.. Haha.. I remembered how badly I fare when I do the main board at Jurong West during one of the Prayer Meetings in 2006/2007. Haha.. That's so long ago. However, I believed in myself and I can conquer my failures this time round. =)
God, gave me the wisdom and alertness as I begin to serve this Sunday. It may be practise only, but I still want to serve you with the best of my ability.
One thing Su Ping said, "If Jesus were to serve in your position, what will He do?". I am sure He will learn to take charge of the whole situation, having the responsibility and every single small details to be take note of. He will ensure that everything will run smoothly and what are the things that need to prepare for before hand, and ensuring that the Service run well. =)
The software that they used is different from the one over at side board. They will be using the software that they used at the main board. Sounds pretty exciting.. Haha.. I remembered how badly I fare when I do the main board at Jurong West during one of the Prayer Meetings in 2006/2007. Haha.. That's so long ago. However, I believed in myself and I can conquer my failures this time round. =)
God, gave me the wisdom and alertness as I begin to serve this Sunday. It may be practise only, but I still want to serve you with the best of my ability.
One thing Su Ping said, "If Jesus were to serve in your position, what will He do?". I am sure He will learn to take charge of the whole situation, having the responsibility and every single small details to be take note of. He will ensure that everything will run smoothly and what are the things that need to prepare for before hand, and ensuring that the Service run well. =)
:: Life ::
Life? It's just like a story that you will get to read in heaven. Just like we are reading some of the characters in the bible. Some of them lead a meaningful life, they made full use of the time they have on earth. Some of them lead a sad life, and they found no place of repentance. Sad huh? Sometimes, people don't understand how they should be living, what are they living for, who are they living for, until something happen, and sadly to say, by that time they found out, it may be already too late.
I was watching a Hong Kong drama "The Central Affairs 2" and I realised how evil human hearts can be. They can be happily sowing their evil deeds without thinking that what will happen to them in future, and resulting in many tragedies. When I was watching the drama, I think, why can't they live just like a normal person too? Is wealth and power that important to them? Those are just temporary items. Wealth, can be used up one day. Power doesn't last forever. People will overtake you one day...
Of course, it will be good to live in a abundance and prosperity. Pastor Kong always mentioned that we may be poor today, but if we live in God's word, we will not be poor forever. True, because we serve a God who is rich. =) God wants us to work hard too, that's why He gave Adam a job to tend the garden.
I always believe in working hard for it. However, I am strongly against getting money through MLM. To me, it's a bullshit system. Well, at least that's how I feel, because you don't earn money through what you work for, but you earn money through your friends. To put in a nasty tone, you are making use of your friends to earn money, not helping your friends to earn money. I would rather prefer to earn and I get pay by hour, or by month. At least, I will not feel guilty that I make use of my friends to earn money. Anyway, come to think of it, do you think all your friends will respond to this silly system? Do you think you will have endless friends to invite to join any MLM company? Come on, don't let the money work for you, work for it instead! Of course, don't be a slave to the money.
Life can be good if you want it to be.
Life can be interesting if you want it to be.
Life can be memorable if you want it to be.
Life can be made full use of if you want it to be.
I was just pondering over my life. Did I really made full use of it? God put me in this generation. What does He want me to do and achieve? In what areas did He wants me to overcome? Have I ever consider His feelings when I did something wrong? Have I ever make Him as my Lord and saviour? I can say, I did not achieve in certain areas that I have mention. Time and again, I have fail God. Time and again, I have grieved Him. Time and again, I have forgotten the meaning of the Easter story, how He died for our sins on the cross. Time and again, I have forgotten how good He was to me. Time and again, I did not have a relationship with Him. . .
I really hope that I can made full use of my life for God. Time on earth, is really short, compare to eternity in heaven. Well, I am not sure if God will allow us to go back to earth when we are up there. Haha.. One thing I am for sure, that today, 23/05/2008. It won't come back again...
I was watching a Hong Kong drama "The Central Affairs 2" and I realised how evil human hearts can be. They can be happily sowing their evil deeds without thinking that what will happen to them in future, and resulting in many tragedies. When I was watching the drama, I think, why can't they live just like a normal person too? Is wealth and power that important to them? Those are just temporary items. Wealth, can be used up one day. Power doesn't last forever. People will overtake you one day...
Of course, it will be good to live in a abundance and prosperity. Pastor Kong always mentioned that we may be poor today, but if we live in God's word, we will not be poor forever. True, because we serve a God who is rich. =) God wants us to work hard too, that's why He gave Adam a job to tend the garden.
I always believe in working hard for it. However, I am strongly against getting money through MLM. To me, it's a bullshit system. Well, at least that's how I feel, because you don't earn money through what you work for, but you earn money through your friends. To put in a nasty tone, you are making use of your friends to earn money, not helping your friends to earn money. I would rather prefer to earn and I get pay by hour, or by month. At least, I will not feel guilty that I make use of my friends to earn money. Anyway, come to think of it, do you think all your friends will respond to this silly system? Do you think you will have endless friends to invite to join any MLM company? Come on, don't let the money work for you, work for it instead! Of course, don't be a slave to the money.
Life can be good if you want it to be.
Life can be interesting if you want it to be.
Life can be memorable if you want it to be.
Life can be made full use of if you want it to be.
I was just pondering over my life. Did I really made full use of it? God put me in this generation. What does He want me to do and achieve? In what areas did He wants me to overcome? Have I ever consider His feelings when I did something wrong? Have I ever make Him as my Lord and saviour? I can say, I did not achieve in certain areas that I have mention. Time and again, I have fail God. Time and again, I have grieved Him. Time and again, I have forgotten the meaning of the Easter story, how He died for our sins on the cross. Time and again, I have forgotten how good He was to me. Time and again, I did not have a relationship with Him. . .
I really hope that I can made full use of my life for God. Time on earth, is really short, compare to eternity in heaven. Well, I am not sure if God will allow us to go back to earth when we are up there. Haha.. One thing I am for sure, that today, 23/05/2008. It won't come back again...
Friday, May 16, 2008
:: Revelation ::
I had a short argument with my mum earlier on this morning. Well, not really an argument, but I complain that why she always asked me to do household chores. I don't mind helping her, but its just that I am lazy to do it. =P
On the way to market just now, I had a sudden revelation. By helping out at home, I am actually serving God. One of the ten commandments say that we must honour our parents. In a way, honouring my parents include helping them to do household chores, and of course, we have to love them and respect them.
What's the point of serving in church but yet we can't even serve our own family members at home? Don't you find that its actually quite similar to the Pharisees? In church, they pretend to be "religious", but in actual fact, they don't. That really hit me hard.
Serving God can be done through alot of ways, not necessary within the four walls of a church. We are 24/7 Christians, not some weekend Christians. We are the child of God. =) So, are you serving God only in church or CG to let people see? Think about it.
On the way to market just now, I had a sudden revelation. By helping out at home, I am actually serving God. One of the ten commandments say that we must honour our parents. In a way, honouring my parents include helping them to do household chores, and of course, we have to love them and respect them.
What's the point of serving in church but yet we can't even serve our own family members at home? Don't you find that its actually quite similar to the Pharisees? In church, they pretend to be "religious", but in actual fact, they don't. That really hit me hard.
Serving God can be done through alot of ways, not necessary within the four walls of a church. We are 24/7 Christians, not some weekend Christians. We are the child of God. =) So, are you serving God only in church or CG to let people see? Think about it.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
:: Jurong West, here I come!! ::
Si Hui(From Chorus Board) called me earlier to ask about me. I was very surprised and yet touched as she have never call me before. We chit chat abit and it was a good session of chit-chatting, and some updating of personal particulars. Haha.. Her records showed that I am still in N212 and in JS Zone. Hahaa..
She also asked me if I am keen to serve at Jurong West on Sunday. And my answer is "Yes!". Hahaa.. I am so looking forward to serve at Jurong West!
They will be using a new side board over at the main auditorium, as the original one is used at Expo. The new side board over at Jurong West will have chinese characters in it. So, there will no need be using han yu pin yin anymore. Haha.. Wooo.. So excited to go to Jurong West! I don't know when, but I can't wait to go over there!
Jurong West, here I come!
She also asked me if I am keen to serve at Jurong West on Sunday. And my answer is "Yes!". Hahaa.. I am so looking forward to serve at Jurong West!
They will be using a new side board over at the main auditorium, as the original one is used at Expo. The new side board over at Jurong West will have chinese characters in it. So, there will no need be using han yu pin yin anymore. Haha.. Wooo.. So excited to go to Jurong West! I don't know when, but I can't wait to go over there!
Jurong West, here I come!
:: Interview ::
I will be going for interview later on at 10a.m at Jurong JTC! They are hiring some temporary engineering assistant. Hahaa.. Pray that if that's the door for me which God wants me to enter, it will be for me!
I am just so excited, but nervous at the same time! Hahaha.. =D
I am just so excited, but nervous at the same time! Hahaha.. =D
Sunday, May 11, 2008
:: Updates ::
Service was good, more of heartwarming because the church celebrates Mother's Day. I love the drama, it never fails to bring the story across to the congregation, and of course, it will definitely bring laughter to us.
After service, we went over to Marina Square Hong Kong Cafe to fellowship. Food was pretty good over there, and I order a Baked Black Pepper Beef Rice. The portion can made me quite full. Haha... Last time I order the Chicken Curry Rice and it was very delicious too. I love Hong Kong Cafe.. =)
Get to know a guy call Joseph through Louisa. He is from our zone too, from Pearle's CG. Haha.. Was very happy to know that he stays in Boon Lay too. Maybe, trip to Expo won't be that lonely anymore. . .
There are some major changes in Connect Group. I am joining over to Wei Jian's Connect Group, CG1.
CG1: Wei Jian (CGL), Derek, Niger, Wei Ming
CG2: Pascale (CGL), Louisa, Si Hui, Hui Shan
CG3: Kelvin (CGL), Yan Qiu, Terence
CG4: Aaron, Glenn, Cheng Xi (Taking turns to be CGL)
Recently, I just found out that there is a regular in my camp who is from City Harvest too. Was pretty happy cuz I finally find someone who is from the same church as me. It feels like, I am not alone that kind. Haha... =)
Bringing my mum to KFC later to celebrate Mother's Day. It start from small, next time, I will bring her to a restaurant.. =) Glory to glory.
After service, we went over to Marina Square Hong Kong Cafe to fellowship. Food was pretty good over there, and I order a Baked Black Pepper Beef Rice. The portion can made me quite full. Haha... Last time I order the Chicken Curry Rice and it was very delicious too. I love Hong Kong Cafe.. =)
Get to know a guy call Joseph through Louisa. He is from our zone too, from Pearle's CG. Haha.. Was very happy to know that he stays in Boon Lay too. Maybe, trip to Expo won't be that lonely anymore. . .
There are some major changes in Connect Group. I am joining over to Wei Jian's Connect Group, CG1.
CG1: Wei Jian (CGL), Derek, Niger, Wei Ming
CG2: Pascale (CGL), Louisa, Si Hui, Hui Shan
CG3: Kelvin (CGL), Yan Qiu, Terence
CG4: Aaron, Glenn, Cheng Xi (Taking turns to be CGL)
Recently, I just found out that there is a regular in my camp who is from City Harvest too. Was pretty happy cuz I finally find someone who is from the same church as me. It feels like, I am not alone that kind. Haha... =)
Bringing my mum to KFC later to celebrate Mother's Day. It start from small, next time, I will bring her to a restaurant.. =) Glory to glory.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
:: Why? ::
I lend a phone to this friend of mine few weeks back. Lets call this person AJ. AJ need a phone urgently and I thought to myself, "Hey, why not go an extra mile for someone? Take all the trouble in meeting AJ from Jurong West to City Hall?". So, I wake up early in the morning which I dread to, to pass AJ the phone. I was quite happy, because I go for the extra mile for someone.
Just a few days ago, I SMS AJ that I need the phone back cuz my dad's phone is spoilt and he needs it. However, I couldn't really get in contact with AJ although AJ did replied me saying that he/she wants to meet up in the afternoon to pass it to me. However, that did not come to pass. . .
Disappointed. . . Why should I go for an extra mile for someone? If I never go for that extra mile, all this will not happen. . . Am I such an easy person to get bully? Why should I be soft to people? Why I can't be mean and nasty? Why am I so easily taken advantage of by people? Why? ? ? Maybe, I should not be the stupid, kind, soft Wei Ming anymore? Or maybe, I should not trust people so easily again?
Just a few days ago, I SMS AJ that I need the phone back cuz my dad's phone is spoilt and he needs it. However, I couldn't really get in contact with AJ although AJ did replied me saying that he/she wants to meet up in the afternoon to pass it to me. However, that did not come to pass. . .
Disappointed. . . Why should I go for an extra mile for someone? If I never go for that extra mile, all this will not happen. . . Am I such an easy person to get bully? Why should I be soft to people? Why I can't be mean and nasty? Why am I so easily taken advantage of by people? Why? ? ? Maybe, I should not be the stupid, kind, soft Wei Ming anymore? Or maybe, I should not trust people so easily again?
:: If only I have this $1,000,000 !!! ::

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